Perhaps the most intense concern of most photographers today
has to do with “how” they will develop their personal voice in photography.
I believe that there are no easy answers. With photography, I depict poetic representations of my inner agonies. And that’s where I really focus.
In the poetic image.
But what does poetic photography really mean?
This is exactly what we depict in this workshop.
Based on my photographic work, my literature poetry work, my research in phenomenology, existential psychology and the poets of Modernism, we will define the true poetic encounter in the art of photography.
The three-day intensive photography workshop “The Poetic Encounter” will take place in Thessaloniki and is a workshop dedicated to highlight the unique morphology of our visual language and expression through photography, focusing on guiding participants to: “Pictures that are not related to any style, nor are limited to any category, but pictures that go beyond descriptions and work as poetic representations of the artist’s own existence.”
During the three days of the workshop, participants receive a comprehensive analysis and feedback on their work and learn how to develop their unique photographic practice.
On the last day of the workshop all participants usually have the opportunity to present their work in an public event taking place in the venue hosting the workshop, where all the images will be presented in the form of audiovisual works curated by the workshop’s team.
Participants should bring with them a project (or portfolio), finished or in-progress, a book or a book dummy, which they develop at the given time (or even an idea for a future work). The purpose of this intensive educational experience is to fully explore an issue that really touches each participant and via thorough analysis to overcome any difficulties that prevent the development of any work.

Who: All photographers or artists using the medium can register.
We only work with small groups with maximum of 12 participants.
Languages: English and Greek.
Questions? Feel free to write at meetings@iliasgeorgiadis.com and we will be happy to assist.
Every version of “The Poetic Encounter” is a unique experience.